Will Claps
3:30 PM Saturday, November 17, 2007Will started clapping at the beginning of November. He gets sooooo excited. Just a little taste for you.
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Will started clapping at the beginning of November. He gets sooooo excited. Just a little taste for you.
Posted in by John Knotwell |
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Design by Studio ST. Blogger Templates by Blogcrowds.
So cute. He looks just like you John. Can't wait to hold him!
emily a. 4:13 PM
I thought the same thing as Emily ... looking so much like John here!! I just love the milestones ... from the big to the little :) Especially when I know I'll probably be seeing the "firsts" for the last time!
Thanks for the tips on lighting - I usually am taking my pics in the middle of the night so I need to rearrange my schedule ;) And I do have a white sheet so I'll need to try that out ... I use white cardstock behind and underneath inside of a box with the front cut out but I think the box is adding to some of my woes ... ah, the joy of learning!! Any recommendations on a book that teaches about exposure? I'd love to read up so I can move out of auto mode and really start playing :)
Kari 8:52 AM
Okay you photo gurus!!! Love the clapping and he is definitely little John!
Unknown 10:59 PM