Emily's Birthday party was so much fun. I have been preparing for this party since January. My Sister-in-law Kari came up with this idea for her daughter's party and I had to copy it. I started collecting the aprons the girls got once they got to the house, the spatula's they got with their invitation, and the goodies for their goody bags. Once the girls came to the house they started to make their own chefs hat. Such a fun activity and the girls did great! I had them all put together before they came so all they had to do was decorate them with glitter, markers, foam stickers, and sequins.

Once the hats were done, we moved onto making Muddy Buddies. I had each of the girls help pour, measure, stir, and taste test. This was really fun because the girls were able to take some home to eat later.

For part of their meal we made fruit and cheese kabobs. This was a good way to get some kind of nutrition into the day.

We then made homemade pizzas on the BBQ. Unfortunately we are not the best at it and we burned 1/2 of the dough I had thawed. The girls really enjoyed decorating their own pizzas and they tasted really good.

After lunch we opened gifts and started on the individual sized cakes. I know you are thinking that I am so creative and where do I come up with this stuff. But Kari is the genious behind the party. I took my nieces party and pretty much copied it to the best of my ability. The girls did a great job decorating their cakes and I think they enjoyed it too.

Here are the little bakers from Emily's Baking Academy:






If you need to know about any of these fun ideas we did at the party, feel free to contact me and maybe I will share my secrets :)
What fun idea...thanks so much for sharing. It looks like they had a ton 'o fun!
Sally 6:38 PM
What a cute birthday theme! The best ideas always come from someone else!
Anonymous 1:36 PM
Kari is definitely the whiz of good ideas!!!! Looks like some good old fashion yummy/messy fun ;)
Unknown 4:36 PM
You are far too kind ... I know how hard you worked to pull that off!! All of it looks awesome!!!! I'm sure you were exhausted when all was said and done but it will not soon be forgotten by the girls who got to party with you :) Glad I could help!
Kari 10:59 PM