Charlotte's year end party

6:28 PM Thursday, May 28, 2009

For Charlotte's year end party we got to go to Bouncin Off The Walls. It was so fun and the kids keep begging me to take them there again. William found the ball and pretty much stayed there until it was time to go. He did venture off a few times to go down the big slide with Char.

This is Lexi, Char's good friend from school. She was having a ball going from bouncey thingy to bouncy thingy.

I know this picture is not the best of Will and Char, but I wanted you to see their faces when they were going down the hungo slide.
Char and Aubrey played together alot while there.

What a great Big Sister Char is. She made sure that Will got up the slide and she held his hand when they went down too.


  1. Looks like tons of fun!

    Derek White

  2. Was everyones hair have major static cling by the time you left?? looks like fun!


  3. I don't know what it is about those bounce places that makes kids love them so much ... the thing I hate about them? I've NEVER gotten a decent picture while there!!! So much fun action to catch and the lighting is dreadful :(


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