We have some winners...

11:42 AM Sunday, August 19, 2007

First Place - Wildlife (in the wild) division

Second Place - Human Interest Division

Honorable Mention - Children's Portrait Division

My entries from the Salt Lake County Fair. The one of Emily was probably placed in the wrong division initially, but the guy taking my entries didn't really know where to put it. I'm honored to have won anything at all... this is more of a love thing - taking pictures. It's fun to compete and see where I rank among other dads and moms out there snapping shots of their kids.

Now, it's on to the state fair in a couple of weeks!


  1. Well done! Congratulations on all of your awards!! Now you can add "award winning photographer" to your resume ;) Maybe you should quit your day job ....


  2. It is nice to be acknowledged for things you do for just the joy of doing them. I have to disagree with Kari...don't! quit your day job, I see starvation in your family's immediate future. :)


  3. Love the pics! Congratulations!! The petal one with the kids is great!!


  4. You have always been such a talented man! It's nice to know that there are other people out there who see the same talent your parents have always seen! Congratulations.


  5. WOnderful. I'm so glad you are entering these in.

    emily a.

  6. John-
    Those are awesome. How did you isolate the b&w and the color picks? Soooo curious. I LOVE those pics of Emily and I'm guessing one of Christine's kids.



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