Yellowstone Gallery
8:24 PM Friday, August 03, 2007Well, this is the first in what I hope will be a series... thanks a lot Kari for making me feel bad about not getting more pictures up! :)
The Holts, Pecks and Knotwells took a sojourn recently to beautiful Yellowstone National Park. I can tell you that although it rained the majority of the day we were up there, it was indeed a spiritual experience. We were able to see Old Faithful erupt as well as several other geysers in the basin. We also saw an Elk and it was truly a majestic experience.
The Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone is now one of my favorite places (it's depth is not captured in the image in the show).
The Grand Teton mountains seem to defy gravity as they shoot skyward among nearly level plains - more pictures for Jenny Lake coming soon after I can edit them.
If I had know that is all it would take to get to see more of your family I would have enlisted the guilt tactic MONTHS ago!! Love the slideshow!!
Kari 11:53 PM
The pictures are terrific. What a beautiful place...ok the people in the pictures are ok, too :)
Anonymous 3:29 PM