12:06 AM
Saturday, December 27, 2008
I love my sweet wife, but she's "lying" about the shower. When I got out of my 3 minute shower, the kids were still in bed and not even caring about the presents - - except for Emily. She had been patiently waiting in mom and dad's bed for an hour until William got up (and I was out of the shower, incidentally).
When I was growing up, we had to have breakfast before we got to open presents. Let's just pray that I don't institute that little tradition for my kids. Or, I could have them all get in a straight line, and "march" them out to the tree and we can all say a prayer before we open presents.
Let's just say my 3 minute shower didn't put anyone out. =)
Posted in
by John Knotwell |
9:45 PM
Friday, December 26, 2008

Holy snow Batman! We were dumped on! Luckily for us and some of our neighbors, John got a new (to us) snowblower on Christmas Eve. John was out digging people out on Christmas day for 4 hours and again today for 4 hours. My parents called us on Christmas morning to find out about the snow, and of course we told them it was a blizzard and to say a prayer as they traveled. They decided to head up to Farmington, to visit my sister and her family, before they came to Herriman. Not a drop or snowflake in Farmington and I'm sure they thought we were seeing things. It started to get worse as they traveled to West Valley to visit my brother and his family. By the time they got to our house, we had about 6 inches or more in our driveway. Alot of the snow was blown there due to the horrendous winds out this way, but still holy crap there was alot of snow! They only stayed for maybe 20 minutes and away they went before they had to sleep here. Once they got to the freeway, it was smooth sailing for them. It is nice to say we had a white Christmas, but I think we got way more than anyone really asked for.
Posted in
by Jill Knotwell |
Our kids are so good. We woke up around 7:30 and waited anxiously for John to take a shower and look pretty for the camera. The kids and I waited in our bed for what seemed like forever, and then John finally got out of the shower and we got to go in and open presents. Will's train table was the first thing he saw and couldn't stay away from it the whole morning. He would occasionaly walk away and rip some paper off of someone else's gift and then back to the table. He did get a tool table from Nana and Papa and that's the cool new thing since John put it together Christmas evening. All Emily has asked for for the last 3 years is a Baby Alive. Santa decided to test her skills at keeping a baby clean and happy and got her the Sip 'n Slurp baby. All she does is drink and pee, and I'm not quite sure Emily will stay too interested in her for long. Once I told her she had to clean her out after she drank juice, she was disgusted and it wasn't so fun anymore. Emily also got some cooking classes at the Young Chefs Academy in Draper. The place is so cute and I know she is going to love it there. Nana made her a few new aprons and now that she is in cooking school, they will come in handy. Char has been telling everyone, including 2 different Santas that she wants a Blue Bear and Jasmine shoes. Well Santa pulled through and got her the Blue Bear she so desperately wanted. That too has lost the interest of Char and I am sure it will end up at the DI in a few months. Its so funny how kids see a toy and have to have it and then once they get it, not so fun anymore. She got her Jasmine shoes and she also got a cute new apron from Nana. I got new running clothes and running gadgets, with a new Nikon Coolpics camera. I love my husband who surprises me every year with some cool thing - Thanks babe for another awesome Christmas. Johnny got some books, camera gear, and a new MP3 player. What a wonderful year we have had and we have been so blessed. I just hope we continue to be able to take care of our needs and take care of those in need too. Thank you for everyone in our lives who make us better people. I know this is sappy even for me, but this has been a great year and I hope the next one will keep us out of the ER and injury free.

Posted in
by Jill Knotwell |

This is the most popular guy in town this time of year. It took us 1 and 1/2 hours to see him for 4 minutes. William wasn't so happy to sit on the strange guys lap and the girls were more than eager to share with him what they wanted. He really is the best Santa around and he is so great with the kids. The girls put letters in his mailbox and actually got personalized letters back! I was shocked that they were both different and they both mentioned things from their lists. Its so fun to see the girls believe in the magic of Christmas.
P.S. Heather - His eyes aren't closed, he is looking down trying to control the monster on his lap :)
Posted in
by Jill Knotwell |
This was Charlottes first time performing by herself. Last year Char and I took a Mommy and Me class and performed together on the big stage. But this year, she did awesome with just her classmates. She knew the dance and didn't really look to anyone else for any help. She loves to perform and show off her many talents.
Posted in
by Jill Knotwell |
4:32 PM
Tuesday, December 23, 2008

This is Emily's quilt for her new bedroom. We have had it for quit some time, but I haven't taken a picture of it yet. This post is mostly for Sally to show her how beautiful it turned out. I have some cushions for her window seat waiting for the padding and I will post the pics once I get them finished.
Posted in
by Jill Knotwell |

My wonderful Mother-in-law Sally, lets me buy quilting patterns and I sometimes buy the fabric and she makes them for me. I bought this 2 Swiss Days ago, and I got this quilt just in time for Christmas this year. I love this quilt and I have it hanging in the basement on the perfect wall for quilts (hint hint). THANK YOU for this and I love it alot!!
Posted in
by Jill Knotwell |
6:32 AM
Monday, December 15, 2008

We have a babysitters group we do twice a month. Since it was our turn to take the tykes, we decided to make sugar cookies and have a frosting party. It was a fun mess for the kids to make and eat and a really fun mess for mom and dad to clean up. All in the name of fun...
Posted in
by Jill Knotwell |
The kids made our Gingerbread House and they did awesome! William kept eating the candy once the girls put it on the house. It was really funny to watch him wait for the girls to not pay attention and he would snatch it up so fast and just laugh. He does that alot, he will want something and he will patiently wait and then pounce like a puma.
The side with the Smarties is Charlotte's (and mommy's) and the other side is Emily's. Good job girls!
Posted in
by Jill Knotwell |
Emily was given the opportunity to sing at our Relief Society Christmas Dinner and she did awesome. She was so nervous I think she could have barfed. She sang Silent Night with Shari Johnson and Laura Dibble helped her sing just a bit when they went into rounds. She is such a cutie and I just love to watch her try new things and better yet, I love to watch her feel accomplished.
Posted in
by Jill Knotwell |
I know this post is late, but I just checked my camera and I found these pictures. The day after Thanksgiving we fried a turkey. Everyone we told made sure we weren't doing it in our kitchen or in our garage. Thankfully we had enough common sense to do it in our backyard and it was successful! The kids were pretty excited to see what daddy was doing outside so they stood watch by the window and saw all of the spectacularness.

The fryer warming up to cook Old Tom.

The fryer is nice and hot and ready to fry up some goodness

The finished product! The turkey was so good and it is a flavor that we now crave. Thanks Johnny for the delicious turkey!
Posted in
by Jill Knotwell |
9:44 PM
Saturday, December 06, 2008
My niece performed today at the Festival of Trees in Sandy. She and what seemed like 4 bazillion of her fellow singers brought a little bit more of that Christmas spirit to all of us watching. They were so darling in their dresses, I could help taking this shot of her afterward.

"William, where's Papa's nose?" We did ask William that question at least 3 times to make sure I got the shot right. =)
Posted in
by John Knotwell |
Jill ran this race in 28:13! Those of you who follow this blog know that she ran a similar distanced race in 3 minutes less time just a couple of weeks ago. This race was a very different type of race! The first 1/2 mile was uphill, and it was considerably colder outside as well... not to mention the glass and the barefeet... and the frozen... well, you get the idea.

I imagine it's only a matter of time before Mr. Will get's into the racing as well. While he didn't have a tutu this time, he sure did have that pink purse... way to make your daddy proud, son.
Posted in
by John Knotwell |

This race was really fun because Emily and Charlotte were able to participate as well. The Nutcracker has a 1/4 mile kids run (and they get to run indoors, instead of the 30 degree weather that mom got to run in!), but they still have to wear the appropriate attire - namely TUTUs.
Our dear Charlotte didn't do so well, she ran off the course very early crying. We think she was scared and overwhelmed by all the people cheering and yelling. We heard later that she finished "1st" in her age group... uh, yeah... she didn't finish!
Posted in
by John Knotwell |
Posted in
by John Knotwell |
9:48 AM
Monday, December 01, 2008
Yes, we had to take Charlotte into the Urgent Care one week ago Sunday. She was climbing our entertainment center downstairs and slipped and smacked her head on the corner. John and I heard this scream and cry and rushed to her to find her bleeding on her head. Her wound is in the exact same spot as Mr. Williams and she got 5 "itches" like her brother. I was not about to take in another child to the Dr. to get stitches, so brave Dad took her. She did really well and John said she was so brave and didn't give the staff too much gruff.

Here she is with the numbing gel on her wound before they gave her the shot to really numb it.

They wrapped her up like a taco so her hands wouldn't hinder the procedure.

All done! She did cry and scream, but isn't that to be expected? She loves to show off her "itches".
P.S. We got her stitches out on Friday and she screamed harder getting them out than getting them in!
Posted in
by Jill Knotwell |
9:56 AM
Thursday, November 27, 2008

The first annual Snap Fitness Turkey Trot was cold, wet, and rainy. All of these things added to the early morning for the kids and dad. But... Jill and her neighborhood running buddies brought home personal best times. Jill in 25:10 for the 5K, which is the best she's ever run a 5K! Great work honey, and Heather and Sarah! Here are some shots from the race.
Posted in
by John Knotwell |
12:21 PM
Saturday, November 22, 2008
What a cute gift for a teacher or friend. They come wrapped in a cute bag and its ready to give to that special someone. The price for this item is $10.
Posted in
by Jill Knotwell |

These boards are so cute in real life! The "Messages" board turned out so cute with the flourish going up the metal. The cost on this board is $25. Each magnet board comes with 2 magnets and I can paint any color and you can choose the color of vinyl as well. The "Menu" board is so cute too. The cost on this is $30.
Posted in
by Jill Knotwell |

Glass blocks are so fun to make and you really can personalize them. I am selling these for $18.
Posted in
by Jill Knotwell |

I am busy making some really cute things for your homes! Here are a few things I have been working on. The cute Christmas frame is $30 and the FHE frame is $30 as well. Place your orders soon! I won't be taking ANY orders after December 15th, so if you need help with any cute ideas for family or friends please contact me!
Posted in
by Jill Knotwell |
6:59 AM
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
For FHE we made a tree and covered it with leaves with the things that we are grateful for.
Charlotte: Ranch, bankelie, "sumb" (thumb), bed, and I had to beg her to put William.
Emily: People, TV, Family, School, Food
William: Kitchen Utensils, Bankelie, Sucker (Binkie), Cars
Jill: My sweet husband, sweet children, health, warm home
Johnny: Sweet wife, good job, family and good parents
It was really fun to see what the kids would write and I think it was a good lesson for them too.
Posted in
by Jill Knotwell |

Monday I had my Crafters Group over to do our first craft. We made the "Give Thanks" blocks and I think everyone had fun doing it. I want to thank everyone who came over and participated. Look for the next craft in the next few days!
Posted in
by Jill Knotwell |
9:20 PM
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
I will admit to being one of those naysayers who said as little as 5 months ago that we could kiss $2 per gallon gas goodbye... but I am happy to eat crow on this one. We filled up the mini van for under $40 tonight... because gas was down to $1.99.
I only wish it was this low when we drove to Missouri this past April, $80 to fill up the tank... 6 times... do the math on that one!
Oil traded for $56 a barrel today, lowest in 21 months, Yippee, Skippy!
Posted in
by John Knotwell |