Mother's Day was a great day. I got to sleep in, my sweet husband made breakfast for the family, had pie in church and then got to eat these.
Johnny has become quite the griller since we got our Weber grill last year. He has perfected the art of slow cooking ribs at our house. The family devoured them and didn't stop licking their fingers all night.

My Mom and I went outside to jump with the kids after dinner. We were having so much fun trying to do tricks in our skirts and trying to pop the kids out of their eggs. When to my surprise.....

The trampoline busted on me once I came down from my awesome pose in the air. Yes I am fine, and my butt was only bruised a little. Everyone had a good laugh and now we are in mourning over our broken tramp.

See, I'm okay.


Long day for the baby.
Oh, my! So glad you are ok....sorry for the broken tramp. Can it be welded? I know nothing about metal so it probably can't but thought I'd ask...
Sally 3:54 PM
So sad. My bum hurts just thinking of it. I'm glad you are okay. Sounds like a great day!
emily a. 6:11 PM
That must have been some jump!!! Glad you enjoyed your day (even if it will cost you a new tramp)!
Kari 12:13 AM
haha I love it. That picture of you jumping is so priceless. That must have been quite the landing. I am glad no one was hurt. Glad you had a fun mothers day!
Windy 5:46 AM
LOL!!!:) That is awesome! I can't believe you broke the tramp!! LOL!!!
Mike and Timette 8:46 AM
You must be the jumper of all jumpers Jill. I'm so glad a major tragedy was averted.
Staci 9:26 AM
Many accidents have happened on that tramp for sure. . I'm glad yours didn't send you to the emergency room. You're lucky to have diverted those cement blocks! Glad you're okay. . When are we invited for ribs?!?... just wondering.:)
The Dalton Family 9:57 AM
Oh, such a nice Mother's Day! I need a hubby that cooks... He hasn't ventured down that road- I need some motivation like a Weber ;)
Me in a nut shell 9:49 AM
That's awesome that you included all the photos of the busted tramp. It's hilarious!
Derek White 10:07 PM